Would you like a free CV review?

Got a CV/ Resume or LinkedIn Profile?

Let one of our specialists complete a Free CV Review to help you find out exactly how healthy your CV / Resume / LinkedIn profile actually is. All reviews are completely free, we promise. 

All Free CV reviews cover the below and take into account ATS and recruiter scrutiny.

  • Detailed examination of your CV/ Resume or LinkedIn Profile looking for appropriate presentation and style.
  • Flagging of spelling mistakes or grammatical discrepancies.
  • Information relating to structural issues, positioning of and confusing terminology.
  • Expert opinion on the appearance and layout of your CV / Resume
  • Advice on ‘recruiter red flags’ such as gaps in employment or potential for age discrimination.
  • We will email you suggestions as to how it could be improved to ensure it is viewed more positively by a potential employer.

Our CV writers have written, reviewed and analysed thousands of CVs for professionals in over 100 industry sectors. We are in the perfect position to evaluate your CV and tell you what works.

Frustration sets in when sending your CV and not getting any response. With up to 200 applicants per role, there could be a whole host of reasons why yours may not be making the cut or getting a reply.

Typically, you only get 30 seconds in which to make the right impression. Our CV review service lets you know if your CV / Resume is good enough to make an immediate impact and be attention grabbing for recruiters / employers

Is your CV ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) compatible?

Many companies and organisations (Government and non-Government), use some form of ATS. These programmes are not obvious and sit behind job postings. Upon applying, they jump into life and automatically sift CV/ Resumes against role-specific criteria, then forwarding the most relevant onto hiring managers. When you apply for advertised openings, particularly on job sites, it’s unlikely that your application will be considered at least initially by a human being. Making your CV / Resume ATS compliant (structure and content) is key to securing consideration for a job interview. Most importantly incorporate keywords, qualification, acronyms and key-phrases associated with the positions you are targeting.

Acronyms /Keyword/Key Phrases

A typical ATS algorithm/criteria is set up against specific single words/phrases and even qualifications seen as essential to the advertised position.  These words/phrases will be incorporated into the job advert and associated formal position specifications. Examples can include (but are not limited to) expertise related to the capabilities of the role, requisite technical skills, and ‘soft skills’ such as communication, team management and organisational experience.

Styling / Fonts / Bullet Points

When it comes to fonts most ATS systems prefer San Serif fonts such as Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, Verdana which they find easier to extract information from.  Other Serif fonts such as, Cambria, Times New Roman, Bookman can present difficulties for an ATS in analysing the text.  Similarly, ATS prefer rounded simple dash bullet-points as other (non-conventional) types can be translated as graphic elements which cause significant problems.

Will you achieve a Job interview

Not only check do our professional CV writers check for ATS compliance. They also review the document’s potential to achieve job interviews and ultimately job offers based on the quality of there content.  Your current CV / Resume may well be ATS compliant. As a result, it gets passed on to the hiring manager, however, should the content not effectively promote what you can offer a potential employer then the chances of getting a job interview are remote.

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